Urban Business Development Unit

Definition of the unit :

The unit was established by a decision of the Dean of the faculty of Architecture and Planning on 10/10/1444corresponding to 30/4/2023 . The unit is organizationally affiliated with the Dean of the College, and aims to plan, organize, coordinate and control the implementation of tasks and activities related to enabling institutional sustainability and financial growth and increasing and diversifying the college’s sources of income.


Unit objectives :

The unit seeks to organize contracts for the implementation of urban projects in the field of architecture and planning and to manage those projects organizationally and financially according to a rational work model based on knowledge in the field of engineering project management related to the college’s departments and their outputs, by implementing the following tasks:

  1. Analyze potential investment opportunities, prepare studies, plans, and business flow maps to organize the implementation process, and verify the availability of all necessary resources.
  2. Preparing technical and financial studies for each project.
  3. Recommending the selection of members of the project implementation work teams.
  4. Preparing project governance models. <
  5. Managing the scope of project work and distributing tasks to work teams according to the plan and outputs of each project, and ensuring that work tasks are carried out efficiently and effectively.
  6. Risk management by identifying expected risks, means of preventing their occurrence or mitigating their effects, and developing risk treatment plans.
  7. Time management and ensuring that projects are progressing according to the planned timetable, using scientific methods in project management, and developing and controlling timetables.
  8. Financial management of projects and submitting budget reports for each project and the final accounts for each project.

Unit Director :


EXT : 62647



Last Update
5/12/2024 8:18:57 AM